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Stratagem to come up with website downtime In Web Hosting Industry

Website or web services when accessed by end users if resultant as not available or else slow in functionality then it is experiencing downtime. Today downtime is considered as major complex, it directly effects on poor performance. So let us see what are the “stratagem to come up with website downtime In web hosting Industry”.

Some of the causes are managed by web hosting service provider by maintaining schedule, each and every scenario is different such as human error, equipment failure and other malicious attacks but results in downtime of website.

Strategy should be used to overcome downtime

Monitoring uptime such as network of the computers to send request, connects to servers, pings and more. Verifying availability by advance monitoring through verifying SSL certificates, DNS lifetime behalf of verifying key fields, verify MySQL and SQL databases and checking downloads if any FTP files. Major consideration to be monitored i.e, Performance of the web, API Integration and other web applications to overcome downtime of website.

Always have valid data backups

If your website is offline you may not no what are the actual causes, so to have up to date backups of entire resources assist you to be stress free anytime.

Always sight for Website monitoring

This process not only controls uptime and downtime, thus it also takes care of alerts whenever their is an issues or errors such as editing scripts, https urls loading, forms, files etc. These days many are using shared hosting services, when it is overloaded by one site your website gets harmed immediately it gets resolved by notifying your web hosting service provider.

Always have review of web monitoring logs

Web monitoring logs will helps you out to sight details of the functionality and this might provide clear thought to detect the exact problem.

The main intention of online presence of any businesses is best notified when it is live 24/7, downtime of site cause directly on conversion rate. To avoid downtime it is very difficult, but by monitoring the above aspects can reduce to almost near to zero downtime of the website. This is very essential strand as soon as possible to be worked out that definitely assist in best performance. As there are many web hosting industry providing 99.99% uptime guarantee.

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