Acquire higher ranking on search engine result page with SSL Certificates – Secure Sockets Layer is much familiar to all of them but actual necessity still their are missing, only the information gained is something secure on the web. Thus, many websites have SSL certificate even after not knowing its importance. Have a sight over navigation session of your website which has SSL Certificate you may view padlock, this is what actually specifies any data transmitted by you on the website is secure.
Now a days Google made it compulsory for every website to have SSL certificate to protect data transmitted on INTERNET between your computer via servers, such as for example password which is used to login or information on credit card transaction, as well as other important information that is known only by you.
Installing process is very simple :
Need to generate CSR that is certificate signing request regulates which server is using certificate by domain names with the use of SSL. Then, now you can easily request an secure sockets layer. Let us see how it works to get high ranking on search engine result page. Every website when searched by users wants to rank on top of the search result, as there are many considerations to make this possible one among them is through SSL Certificate.
Accordingly everyone knows that for ranking on top of Google search content plays major role but there are many factors which Google won’t specify. Official announcement by Google through its blog was said that HTTPS will not be considered as factor to be on first place of search engine result page and another side it has specified by saying that website with HTTPS will enhance among first place of search engine ranking. By this it is clear even from search engine that security is given high preference, thus SSL is must for every website and consider as one among ranking factors.
There are many web hosting companies providing various types of SSL certificates. VPS9Networks provides RapidSSL, RapidSSL Wildcard, Extended Validation Certificate with high level of trust and secure authority process. For more info on SSL Certificate visit VPS9Networks and rank your website on top of Google through SSL certificate.
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