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NGNIX Installation on a VPS

The NGINX(Pronounced “Engine X”) is a free, open-source HTTP web server and reverse proxy, as well as operates as an IMAP/POP3 mail proxy server and as a load balancer with HTTP cache server.

NGNIX installation on a Virtual Private Server (VPS)

Nginx is one of the most popular web servers in the world and is responsible for hosting some of the largest and highest-traffic sites on the internet.

NGINX is known for its highly scalable,  performance, simple configuration, high stability, rich feature set,  resource-friendly, and low resource consumption. For these reasons, it is a great alternative to the more commonly used Apache webserver(third most popular Web server behind the Apache Server).

Today, we are going to discuss setting up and configuring NGNIX on a Virtual Private Server (VPS).


  • A non-root user with Sudo privileges configured on your server.
  • SSH access to your VPS

How to install NGINX on VPS

1. Install NGINX

with the “yum” Package manager  using the following commands:

>>yum install epel-release >>yum install Nginx  

2. Start NGINX

After installation, start the NGINX:

>>Systemctl start Nginx  

3. Allow the Nginx

Check if HTTP and HTTPS ports are allowed by firewalls

>>firewall-cmd --list-all

Note: If TCP ports 80 and 443 are not listed, the allow them to the firewall using following commands

>>firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp >>firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=443/tcp  

4. Reload the firewall

>>firewall-cmd --reload    

5. Test the NGINX

To test the installation you need to use your public IP address


6. Configure the NGINX and Boot it

The main NGINX configuration file is located at

    >>/etc/Nginx/nginx.conf. >>systemctl enable Nginx

How to Restart Nginx

Test the Nginx configuration and restart Nginx:

>>sudo Nginx -t >>sudo systemctl restart Nginx

How to uninstall the Nginx

  1. If you want to keep config files and just want to remove the Nginx
>>sudo apt-get remove Nginx Nginx-common
  1. If you want completely uninstall the Nginx
>>sudo apt-get purge Nginx Nginx-common

That’s it! Now that you have your web server – NGINX installed successfully on a VPS!

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