The first aspect to consider before starting blog post is, for whom you are writing this blog? Who are your targeted visitors or audience for this blog post?
Writing a blog is and always will be the time consuming task, creating the blog content can be compared with driving you can learn it easily but fail in implementing it in driving test.
Business Blogs:
When it comes to writing blog posts for businesses, one should consider every aspect through which their blog post will yield something good for their business. Your blog post helps you in several ways like building customer relationship, brand awareness, educating the visitors and even in helps increasing the conversion rate and generating leads. So build the blog in such a way that, you satisfy your audience needs and queries. The content you build for you blog post will represent your company, brand and helps you deliver a specific brand message.
Blogging is turned into passion now, blogger is the trendiest job profile. Bloggers can choose and create blog posts based on their interest areas, but they should also plan them in well manner to get the good and excepted response from the audience.
Follow the 7 Tips to Build Good Blog Post:
1. Choose the trendy and interested blog topic:
If you are passionate blogger, select what you like to write about, this is your platform to perform well and you have to judge your content. Choose the topic of your interest but also keep your audience interest and satisfaction in mind.
2. Research and Collect Set of Information on Selected Topic:
Take more time for this step but collect the yielding information on the topic, more information will help you justify the blog in a good manner. If you have piece of useful information that will satisfy your readers then use it.
3. First Paragraph the Deciding Factor:
First paragraph of your blog post should be eye catchy and grab the audience attention, this will have potential to change your reader decision “Should I Stay or Should I Go”. So don’t lose this chance craft your first paragraph that seizes the audience attention, to do so ask a question or add a quote.
4. Build Readable and Fresh Content:
Readability of your content is the base of your blog, describe the selected topic in such a way that your audience understands what you want to express via blog. If you are good reader, then surely you will be a good writer, have the habit of reading your content like a book through your targeted audience prospective, then you will able to find grammar mistakes, typos, repetition and sentence framing errors if any.
5. Add Call-to-Action:
Every blogger will be writing the blog with specific target and goal, call to action is the bridge that helps to reach that particular goal and to connect with the readers. Always end your blog with one CTA that insists the reader to perform a particular task or action. According to customer market research CTA’s are potential to increase the increase conversion rate.
6. Content Optimization for Search Engines:
Bloggers should follow the basic search engine rules to get good ranking and traffic to their blogs. Always do follow the basic SEO rules like keyword usage in title and heading tags, accurate keyword density, targeted and long tail keywords in sentences and maintain heading tag hierarchy. Keep your content relevant to the topic and avoid keyword stuffing for good search results, increase organic traffic and rank well in search engines.
7. Effective Usage of Images:
Reason behind including images to your blog is to break up the text. Visuals have more potential to keep your audience engaged on your blog for more time. Images with attractive punch-lines can flow your blog post more effectively, through images you can explain complex topics in easily understandable way.
Select the topics set a goal, do your research work and follow the above seven steps to create a good blog post. Cover all the aspect while creating the blog post content and use the eye catchy words and frame the understandable sentence to achieve the goal of excellent blog post.
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