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Read This Before You Start Using Free Web Hosting sites

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People usually get tempted to the word “FREE” so most of the companies come up with a plan which includes the word FREE and is beneficial for them. You might have heard many times “FREE Shopping” but when you enter the shop you come to know that you need to shop minimum amount and that amount will be given to you back in the form of coupons. According to the shop they are providing you FREE Shopping but it is just a marketing trick. So in today’s blog, we will discuss “the top Free Web Hosting sites and why we should say NO to Free Web Hosting sites.

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I completely agree that some hosting providers who provide free hosting are not fake but hosting your site on a free hosting will not be beneficial. Most of the hosting providers do it for their benefits.

Budget is very low then chooseVPS hosting starting plan which will cost you just € 6. You can host your website and enjoy all the services. If you choose among the Free Web Hosting Sites then you will just regret.

Top 3 Free Web Hosting Sites

You might have heard about – I feel even newbies are aware of this free Content Management System. They do lots of paid promotions which have created awareness everywhere. You can use for basic small sites. They offer a wide list of elements for creating a website but no option to create your own layouts in free hosting.

If you want to design your own layouts then you can go with a premium version of Wix whereas in the free version, you may not keep your own domain and they will provide you with a subdomain of is the most common CMS when it comes to designing a website. Most of the web hosting companies offer WordPress hosting wherein WordPress will be installed and will be updated automatically whenever a new update is released. If you buy WordPress Hosting you have to design your website using WordPress and they will not allow you to use any other site builder. If you buy VPS Hosting then you are free to choose your CMS, you can even design your own layout.

This is another famous website builder which can be used to build your website. You have to use subdomain if you want to choose free web hosting. Weebly is the brand which does not include free ads even after offering free web hosting whereas the other free web hosting sites has ads service which will be there on your website irrespective of your interest.

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Why We Should Say NO to Free Web Hosting Sites

So now you will be thinking about why we should not choose the free web hosting sites when they are offering us. Let’s know the reasons:

Lots of Limitations

If you want free web hosting then you should know that with free web hosting, you will get lots of limitations with your website. You will not be allowed to access all the resources of the web hosting which is a very big limitation. You can access only a few themes, plugins, etc. They will provide you with limited resources such as RAM, Bandwidth, traffic, etc and if you need additional resources, then you have to pay the hosting provider.

No Tech-Support

All the web hosting companies will provide you 24/7 technical customer support whereas the free web hosting websites will not provide you technical support. If in case something sticks you with technical issues, then you should resolve it on your own.

No redirection allowed

As you have hosted your website with free web hosting, you will not be provided with the control panel access. You are not allowed to redirect to a different domain and create redirects with the free web hosting websites.

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Websites subdomain

You will not be free to choose your own domain and you have to use the websites subdomain. This will showcase the web hosting providers domain and you will not be able to create the brand

Lots of Ads

As you are taking their service at no costs, they are free to run ads on your website. You cannot earn with these ads and the web hosting provider will earn with these advertisements. This is another drawback of Free Web Hosting websites

No root access to Host

It will not provide you with the complete root access to keep the track on the free resources. This will make you use the resources and limit your creativity. With the free service, you will not be able to design your dream website.

Less Reliable and Secure

As you are using free web hosting services, your website is not reliable and secure. Many companies will be hosted on the same server where you have hosted. They can make the connection unsecure allowing threats in the network. This will result in the suspension of a network.

Conclusion: After reading this blog you might have got the brief idea why you should not choose free hosting. If you are a newbie and want to learn about hosting and learning designing a website then you can choose free web hosting. But if you are planning to host your business site then choose Managed VPS Hosting or Unmanaged VPS Hosting.If you have any doubts then you can leave a comment.

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