Search Engine Optimization is getting tougher every day with every new algorithm update. You need to keep your website updated regularly.
In reality, Google updates are not hurdles. Every algorithm update will be in view of improving user experience and information on the query they receive.
Here are a few standard 7 SEO practices you need to follow in 2020 with no delay
Make use of Titles and Meta Descriptions Effectively:
Search engine crawlers read meta tags, it’s the first thing users will look at before entering your website from SERP. Writing attractive meta tags will increase the CTR of the link on SERP. Do your keywords research well enough while writing content for meta tags. Make sure you write content for humans not to attract bots, assuming to gain higher on SERP.
Make Sure URLs are Keyword Specific:
Using Keywords on URL helps a lot to make users understand what the page is all about. It gives more detail about the page suppose when you are sharing the content with the naked URL. URLs are generated by default while building any page but it may also consist of the date, numbers, and irrelevant data, it will give a negative impact on your SEO ranking as it kind of reduces the keyword density of your listing on SERP.
Check out the keyword specific page here:
Make Use Of Visual Content:
The attention span for text content is decreasing as need and consumption for visual content is increasing in recent times. If you want users to spend more time understanding your content and take action based on a call for action, then you should include images and videos on your page.
Visual contents are trending and it attracts users. They often tend to stop and read the content when it is visually appealing. Showing up some key highlighters about the content visually conveys the message clearly in a short time and builds interest.
Delete ‘Zero traffic’ Pages:
Zero traffic pages are those which don’t have enough quality content on their pages. Such pages affect the overall quality of your website. Identify web pages that do not get any traffic, delete them, and update content with useful information.
Update Low-Performing Content:
Having old content is fine but you need to make sure that you keep it updated regularly to make it more interesting enough every time. Instead of publishing new content every time, you can update existing content with some more visual content and stats to make it more interesting and informational.
Use Of Back-links:
Links are essential to driving traffic to your site. You create back-links from other websites that allow guest posting and create a back-link to your own site from your bio. Another way is to create a podcast content collaborating with someone with a similar niche. This could also increase your presence across your industrial niche.
Responsive Page Designs And Speed:
Your website is not only seen on the desktop, but it is also seen on different devices like tablets and smart-phones. Nowadays, there is an increase in the number of smartphone users so it is necessary to have a responsive web design that adjusts web page as per screen size.
Sharing and Promote Your Site:
Add share options to your website content and product listings so that users can share your content at one click. It will make content share-able whenever any user intends to share content with their friends. Not only will this help you to get more exposure, but it will also lead to a boost in your rankings.
There is a need for quality content and user-friendliness of the website. As far as the algorithm update, it keeps coming when technology upgrades. The need for the latest update is inevitable, it’s the only way to evolve. If you don’t update your website in time you will be out of the race soon. So, keep your website updated as per new technological updates. Do not try to trick Google Algorithm old outdated short-cuts. By practicing above SEO techniques you will stay ahead of your competitors in the niche and rank higher on SERP.
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