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How to reduce bounce rate on your website?

We all know that the website bounce rate is a very important factor in ranking. This is the factor that will not be removed from the Google algorithm for ranking a particular website because the bounce rate is important for Google. Google always designed its algorithm to provide the best solution to its users. So even we should think from Google’s perspective. Today we will see “how to reduce bounce rate on your website”.

What is the bounce rate?

It is the percentage of the number of visitors who visit your website and leave the website immediately. If the bounce rate is higher then it says that your website is not user-friendly. To rank higher in the search engine your bounce rate should be less.

Reasons for higher bounce rate

  • Your website is ranking for an irrelevant keyword.

If your website is ranking for the keyword which is not related to your service or products then the visitors will not be interested in your site and immediately they will close the website. Try to find out such keywords and do proper SEO so that your website will not be ranked for such keywords

  • Website loading speed is slow

If the website is taking lots of time to load the site then the customer will be irritated and he will leave the site. Always remember that the website speed is very important in ranking as well as managing the bounce rate. Try to improve the loading speed of your website.

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  • Cross browser optimization

If your website is not optimized with respect to all the browsers than the website bounce rate will be increased automatically. You never know which all browser your customers will be using so it is better that you optimize your website with all the browsers. If the website is not opening properly in a particular browser then all the customers who are using that browser will close the website immediately. Optimize your website with all the browsers

  • Irrelevant content

If the content is irrelevant to the product and services you are selling then the customer will not be interested in your website which will increase the bounce rate. I agree that you will not be able to satisfy all the needs of your customers but you should stick to your point. If you have included Cloud VPS Hosting content for Linux VPS Hosting page then it doesn’t make any sense because your customer will not be interested.  Always write the content which is relevant to the particular page.

  • Misleading meta title and description

When customers search for something on the search engine, the first thing they observe is the title and description. If the title and description provided contains wrong information then the customer will close the website immediately after opening it. For example: If you have mentioned the Free domain in your meta but when they open the web page, it is showcasing that the customer will need to pay extra for the domain they will not be interested in your site anymore and they will close the website. Provide proper information to the customer through a meta title and description.

  • Page not found an error or blank page

If the page is directed to a nonexisting page or a page that is blank then the bounce rate will increase. Remember that the 404 errors and blank pages will lead to an enormous increase in the bounce rate. We should always keep an eye on such pages and remove such errors.

  • Broken link from an external website

If a website has included your website link in their blog article or website then the link should be proper. If they have included a broken link then the customers visiting your website through that link will close your website immediately because they did not get the information they were searching for. In this case, contact the website which has linked to your website and provides a  proper link.

  • Ads, pop-ups and other CTA’s

If you have included advertisements, many pop-ups, and other Call To Action in your website in which the customer is not interested then they will close the website. Make sure that you are not including many pop-ups and ads because it is frustrating to the customers. Try to implement very fewer ads and pop-ups and this will reduce the bounce rate.

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  • Poor Website Design

If your website is not properly designed then the customer will not be interested in your website. If the website contains plain text or no proper heading structure and special effects then the bounce rate will be increased. These days people get attracted by special UI effects and animations. The text with relevant images makes the customer read the content and they spend more time viewing the website.

  • Not mobile friendly

You might be knowing that most all the traffic will be coming from the mobile and it is very important to make the website mobile optimized. If the website is not properly optimized in mobile then the bounce rate will be increased automatically. You should optimize the website properly. You should use a real mobile and check the optimization of the website.

  • Difficult language

The language which you have used on the website should be understandable by everyone. If you are using very tough English then the reader will not understand the language and they will quickly close the website. This will increase the bounce rate.

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  • Lots of information

In case you are giving offer or sale then you should not ask lots of details from the customer. They will not be interested in doing lots of steps. Keep the procedure small and quick so that the customer will show interest in your website. If the procedure is lengthy then they will close the website quickly.

Conclusion: These 12 steps will help you to improve your bounce rate. Always keep in mind that higher the bounce rate, the lesser the website ranking. We should always keep an eye on the website bounce rate. There are still many reasons for the bounce rates but we have included 12 reasons to reduce the bounce rate on your website. For any suggestion, feedback, comment below.

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