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How to reduce bounce rate on your website?

We all know that the website bounce rate is a very important factor in ranking. This is the factor that will not be removed from the Google algorithm for ranking a particular website because the bounce rate is important for Google. Google always designed its algorithm to provide the best solution to its users. So even we should think from Google’s perspective. Today we will see “how to reduce bounce rate on your website”.


How Actually Search Engine Work – VPS9.Net

How Search Engine Work

In walk together with technology, we are addicted and dependent on search engines for every single query that arrives in our minds. Browsing on internet is the easiest and trendiest activity for today’s generation to find what’s going near us and get our queries answered. They are the main source that provides answers to our personal questions and basic queries on. Wait a second and crawl your brain about search engine, have you ever thought How Search Engine works?, How Search Engine shows exact results for your queries?


Reasons for Sudden SEO Traffic Drop to Your Website

Reasons Behind Sudden SEO Traffic

SEO plays the vital role in bringing organic traffic to your business, service, product, blogs and e-commerce websites. SEO is the main source for website traffic and high ranking results on search engines.

What will be the biggest nightmare of Online Businesses, Bloggers and Portals? Any guesses? You are wrong, if your answer is less number of sales. The biggest nightmare is sudden search engine traffic drop for their websites. Traffic is the base for the websites that converts into sales later. Stop expecting magic from search engines and have fresh look on your website, find out the reasons for sudden drop in organic traffic.


How Can Web Hosting Server Location Affect The Success Of SEO?

Web Hosting Server Location impact on SEO

Let’s know about the affect on SEO ranking by web hosting server location. How SEO ranking gets affected by server location? Does really web hosting server location matters significantly? these are the most prevalent question asked by customers.

The answer is YES, and truth is the server location is an important factor for a website SEO, all top search engines and mainly Google rank the website on the basis of geographical location of your website and hosting server location, the reason behind this is the Google’s automatic feature of selecting the website location.
