HyperV or Virtuozzo

Windows VPS Hosting with HyperV or Virtuozzo

What is VPS?

In simple words, VPS(Virtual Private Server) is a virtual server hosted inside the dedicated server which utilizes shared resources like CPU, RAM, HDD, etc. VPS bridges the gap between shared hosting and dedicated hosting. VPS provides the flexibility and feels of the dedicated hosting service at the cost of a shared hosting service. VPS is created inside Dedicated Server using virtualization technology.

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Who is Privacy protection

Why do you Need ‘Who is Privacy protection?’

Internet growth has reached phenomenal levels in the last few years, not just in India, but all across the world. More and more people are joining the World Wide Web to access information, interact, and communicate. The Internet has spurred the rapid growth of domain registrations across all segments. According to VeriSign, the registry that manages.COM & NET domains, there are over 250 million domain names registered worldwide as of today.

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Importance of SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is nothing but the process of improving the visibility of the site or in simple words making your website popular. Some asks that is it really worth it to invest in search engine optimization. Well, there are some advantages and disadvantages in every aspect. The fact is that choosing the right one makes the difference.

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The Right Domain For You

How to Choose a Right Domain

When you build a website one of the first tasks you should take care of is choosing your domain name. Popular names sell very fast so it is important to deal with your domain name registration as soon as you decide on a possible name. When trying to decide your new name make sure that it is connected to the nature of your website in some way so that people can easily associate your website with your chosen name and remember it easily.

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